I represent a new program for parsing the hands and ranges FlopGodzilla
Many novice players are not analyzing their hands, do not understand the range of the opponent on a particular board, because it's just long, to enter all the data into a program and analyze. Here you can in a few minutes to check
all the distributions you are interested in, how the opponent's range changes from flop to river, quickly find flaws in his and your game.
All data is automatically taken directly from the database of HM2 or PT4, including the statistics on the opponent.
Advanced players have the ability to adjust all ranges and logic of the opponent, depending on their stats for themselves, so that you do not spend a lot of time then on each hand and get the exact result.
Soon, without any effort, you will begin to visualize the range of the opponent in any situation, the ratio of his hand categories, which is the main skill of the professional earning player.
Requires HoldemManager2 or PokerTracker4
Download trial from google disk
Topic on the forum Pokerstrategy
skype ant0hind.
Below are videos where I tried to show all the features of the program. I will add video periodically. 06/15/16
Сделал некоторые доработки. Описание в видео: 03.06.16
Записал пример разбора одной раздачи: 09.06.16
FlopGodzilla - разбор раздачи 2 04.07.16
FlopGodzilla. Эквити 11.08.16
FlopGodzilla. Разбор раздачи 3 14.08.16